Thursday, November 3, 2011

Helping Your Extended Family Understand Your 'Special' Child

When my oldest was eighteen months old we were in a local super center doing some shopping.  An elderly couple was not far from us and could hear the tantrum my son was having.  At this point my husband and I did not know that he had Asperger’s Syndrome or bi-polar disorder.  
The couple hearing his tantrum said something to the effect of, “Oh, my gosh.  How can those parents just let him act that way?   It is no way for a four year old to act.  They need to just spank him.”  My oldest has always looked older than he is; he is ten now and stands five feet three inches tall.  I turned to the lady and said, “I heard every word you just said.  I find it beyond offensive that you think that my almost two year old should behave any different.  It is wrong of you to pass judgment on him when you don’t even know him.”  She was shocked that he was so young, even asked to see proof, and expressed that she felt ashamed.
This is just one example of the misunderstanding people have of children that they don’t take care of.  The Mayo Clinic describes it best like this; Asperger's syndrome can be a difficult, lonely disorder — both for affected children and their parents. The disorder brings difficulties socializing and communicating with your child. It may also mean fewer play dates and birthday invitations and more stares at the grocery store from people who don't understand that a child's meltdown is part of a disability, not the result of "bad parenting." (Staff, 2010)
I, myself, have seen this misunderstanding in my extended family as well.  My boys are two of four boys that are being treated for Asperger’s Syndrome.  Not all of the family has shown an interest in knowing how to interact or understand these children.  The Mayo Clinic has this to say about how you can help others help your child, Most children with Asperger's syndrome have no visible sign of disability, so you may need to alert coaches, relatives and other adults to your child's special needs. Otherwise, a well-meaning coach may spend time lecturing your child on "looking at me while I'm talking" — something that can be very difficult for a child with Asperger's syndrome. (Staff, 2010)
Most importantly is to always remember that you are the voice and advocate for your child.  The more you know about their special needs the better you are at teaching others to understand them.  For instance, most children when they see another child get hurt they ask if they are okay and then get help.  Not an Asperger’s child, that notion never enters their mind that there could be a problem or a need for an emergency.  I remember when my oldest was younger and we were at a family camp out, he was playing near the adults with his cousin and the cousin’s dog.  His cousin ended up wrapping the dog’s plastic coated wire lead around his neck.  My son had enough thought to put his fingers between the lead and his cousin’s neck but neither boy thought that this could be a bad idea.  There were adults that saw what was going on and were able to get to the boys before anyone got hurt but, the lecture that was given afterwards was lost on the boys and we really didn’t know why at the time.  Now we know that both boys have Asperger’s Syndrome.
I have learned to be more objective when it comes to kids I see at the grocery store, church, playground, etc.  One of those kids might have a hidden issue that I don’t know about.  Knowing what I know about how I felt when judgment was passed on my son, and knowing that he has hidden issues, the last thing I want is to be like that elderly lady in the super center all those years ago.  Sometimes it is not the parents fault.  Be kind and understanding, because let’s face it, we don’t always know the situation.
Staff, M. C. (2010, Nov 18). Asperger's Syndrome: Coping and Support. Retrieved from Mayo Clinic:

Thursday, October 27, 2011

Our Recent Vacation

My youngest son, who has recently been diagnosed with Asperger's Syndrome, and I just got back from a two week vacation to visit my mother. This was full of firsts for him. His first time being away from Daddy for more than a weekend, the first time being on a shuttle for four hours, and the first time flying in an airplane. I was so very nervous thinking about all the people he would be coming into contact with, being a very small space with lots of people and noise, how would he react?

He did really well, even when we missed our flight due to being held up at security and had to wait three hours for the next flight. I did learn that if I am to fly with him again I HAVE to have non stop flights. On our way home we had one stop to let some off and others on and he had a MAJOR meltdown. It got so bad that the captain got his attention and asked him to stop, told him, "that's not how we act on his plane". Now the captain's comments did offend one of the flight attendants, who apologized to me, but it really didn't bother me because it took my son off guard just enough for me to get him calmed down.

Friday, September 23, 2011

Going out in public

If you think that dealing with a young child with Asperger's at home is tough, try it in public!  So what do you don when your Gifted child has an episode?

I remember when my oldest was around two years old and we were shopping at Wal-Mart.  My boys have always been big for their age and he did look like he was five or six yet he was only two. He wanted a toy from the baby isle and I told him no. I didn't know at the time that he had Asperger's. There was an elderly couple in the baby section as well and the wife was offended by my sons tantrum, she even said "How can that mother allow her son to behave like that? She is a terrible mother." I was very angry at hearing this and I turned to the woman and as politely as I could said to her, "How else do you expect a 2 year old to act Ma'am?" She was embarrassed and mentioned that she didn't know he was so young. I replied with, "With all do respect, perhaps you shouldn't pass judgement when you don't know the circumstances."

A friend of mine shared with me what her sister does for her Autistic Gifted son. She carries around business cards that on one side say, 'We are sorry for the disturbance of our special needs child.' and on the back it says, 'For further information please feel free to call me at...' and lists her phone number. I love this idea as it allows a calm and rational way to explain why the Gifted Mind is having an issue (or issues) in public and prohibits making more of a scene than is already being made.

Going out in public with your Gifted Mind doesn't have to be a nightmare. Some days are better than others and I hope you can enjoy your Gifted Mind as much as I enjoy my two. Remember that it takes a Loving Heart to care for them.

Friday, September 9, 2011

Dealing with two

I have recently found out that BOTH my boys have Asperger's Syndrome. The oldest is 10 and the youngest is 4. It amazes me at how alike and different they are, and I don't just mean as siblings. They share the same diagnoses, but they prove to me everyday at just how different children can be in the same diagnoses. Now granted, they are 6 1/2 years apart, but my oldest functions at a higher scale on the Asperger's spectrum. I am grateful that I know what is going on in their heads and that I am reaching out to get them the help they need.

Friday, August 19, 2011

Loving Hearts are a Blessing

The Loving Hearts that care for the Gifted Minds need not be limited to parents, siblings, extended family, therapists, and teachers.  There are many Loving Hearts that will come to care about each Gifted Mind that they are blessed to be around.

Loving Hearts can be neighbors, friends (friends of the Gifted Mind or friends of the family), and those that come into contact with the Gifted Mind at church, play dates, or at the library.

Not everyone that meets (or knows) a Gifted Mind will be (or become) a Loving Heart, but the potential is always there.  Sometimes, a Loving Heart from outside of the small sphere that the Gifted Mind usually lives in, can be a true blessing in disguise.

Gifted Minds and Loving Hearts make amazing connections with each other daily.  Have you seen it happen with your Gifted Mind or Loving Heart today?